I HAVE HAD HEALTH ISSUES MOST OF MY LIFE. In 1984 my health took a sudden turn for the worse, and within 10 years my weight crept over 300 pounds. I had to quit working at age 50 due to my health. At age 55 I was continually gaining weight, taking prescription medications, my eating habits were poor, and I did not get proper exercise. I would try to change my lifestyle periodically, then get discouraged and slip back. In November 2000 my health was so poor I had to retire for medical reasons. My main struggle was with severe pain. I had to start using a wheelchair. Without exercise, I continued to gain weight. I started to have heart trouble, and became diabetic. In 2002, I started collapsing to the floor, had extreme dizziness, in a wheelchair and bedridden. I was put on more prescription medication. My weight crept up to 350 pounds. I was discouraged and did not care about caring for my body. I was warned that I would continually deteriorate, and life expectancy was short. In January 2004, I had a heart attack. More medications. I developed sleep apnea, waking up gasping for breath, stress attacks, gas and belching. By fall 2004, my condition worsened again. My family all came to visit because the doctors did not know what more they could do for me. I could not leave the house. In May 2005, the health professionals said there was nothing more they could do for me. I just gave up and sat in my chair waiting to die. At an all-time high of 362 pounds. I was completely housebound, staying in a reclining chair when my wife was at work. If I tried to get up, I would collapse. I prayed to God to end my life. In July 2005, I was introduced to ‘Young Living’ essential oils. I thought “how can this help if 18 prescription medications I am taking aren’t working?” I decided to give the ‘Young Living’ a try, using the ‘NingxiaRed’, various supplements, and essential oils. My body started healing and I started losing weight. Over the next two years I was able to stop some of my prescription medications. I took my first trip to a ‘Young Living’ convention in June 2006. I was still using a walker at that time and my health was still quite fragile. I heard Floyd Brown speak at that convention, and decided to visit him in his Joy in Health office for a blood test, but that year, I was in such poor health I was unable to take the car trip from Regina to Red Deer, so I sent a dry sample to him. He evaluated me and said my cells were hardly getting any oxygen, and my liver needed lost of cleansing. I bought everything he had on the suggestion list. There is the saying “it is expensive, but it is worth it,” and it was. He started me on a long journey back to good health. It was definitely not an easy journey. The products he gave me started to cleanse the toxins from my liver and my body. Next summer I was able to make the trip to Floyd’s office even though it took me two days, so I had made a lot of progress in just six months. I developed an ugly and very itchy rash on my skin. I broke out around the nose because I had very bad nasal passages from using a nasal spray for many years. People asked me if I had a sunburn or frostbite. I broke out on the neck, shoulders and chest because my respiratory system had been bad for years. Then also my legs went on fire from the knees down as well, and they would peel sometimes and ooze at other times. Floyd told me to persevere. This was severe for two years. I was eating raw foods and basically following the chart on the back of his suggestion form and drinking lots of water, which I hadn’t done in the past. They reduced my digestive problems a lot. I developed severe gout in my feet from the severe change of diet. That lasted about a year. I thought I would go out of my mind sometimes. But the return to health happened as long as I followed his instructions. It was amazing. When I started to feel better and could get more exercise that helped even more. Now over the years there are times when I get smaller patches of rash mostly around my ankles, and get gout, when the body dumps out more of the toxins. I have done several gall bladder cleanses and they really made a difference to clean up my health. If I get careless with my diet and exercising, and amount of water I drink, my health falls back. Then Floyd has to get me back on track again, which he always does. Floyd is so knowledgeable, I would not consider going to anyone else for this type of help. Following Floyd’s suggestions and using products he recommended, and using ‘Young Living’ products, has done wonders for me in the last ten years. Floyd gives me the guidance and encouragement that keeps me on track. It is worth it despite all the cleansing reactions, cost and discomfort that it takes to change a lifestyle and clean up 60 years of indiscipline eating and exercising. I feel better now than I have for many years. I do not take any prescriptions unless necessary for a short period of time and have a strong desire to share my story and help others. My son reminded me that I was in better health at 65 and 70 than I was at 50. I am now 72 and weigh 270 pounds and am able to do so many things. I owe my life to Floyd and ‘Young Living’. I am healthier, stronger and happy. Floyd will continue to be my source of natural health solutions and treatments for the long run. My goal is to follow Floyd’s guidelines, eat properly, exercise and lose 80 more pounds. I hope and pray that I can pass on to others some inspiration and encouragement to continually seek Floyd’s help, and reach new heights of optimum health.
My son, Gabriel, was diagnosed with a rare brain disorder called holoprosencephaly which results in a lot of the same characteristics autistic children carry. He has had behavioral problems, next to no attention span, was slow to walk (did not start walking until the age of 3), slow at speaking, sleeping problems, and sensory input challenges as well. He also had a very low immune system and resulted in his being sick every three weeks. We made a visit to Joy in Health and Nutrition Inc. During our visit, Floyd observed Gabriel's need to constantly move and his inability to concentrate on anything or anyone. It was also apparent I was exhausted from trying to keep up to my little man! Floyd tried 'Peace and Calming' on Gabriel and noticed a bit of a difference and so he also tried 'Ruta Vala' and we noticed a huge difference right away. My son calmed down and just wanted to be held. Floyd implemented a supplement program as well as some essential oils. For the next two months we took the supplements as well as putting two drops of 'Frankincense' and 'Cedarwood' on Gabriel's head and feet twice a day and 1 drop of 'Ruta Vala' on his head and feet in the morning and before bed. We would use 'Peace and Calming' whenever we were out in public and Gabriel became agitated. We also used 'Lavender' and 'Peace and Calming' to help with Gabriel's sleep patterns. They both help but we also had to use Melatonin during the very hard times he had getting to sleep. Over the next two months I could see a huge difference in how much calmer our son had become and how he was able to concentrate a lot more. When we visited Floyd, he was impressed and encouraged by the differences he saw. Gabriel was able to look Floyd in the eye and sit in a chair with my IPhone looking at flash cards. We have kept up with the essential oil program and have added a few more along the way. I introduced 'Helichrysum' to Gabriel because it promotes communication and also helps connect signals in the brain. Gabriel's words are coming at a greater rate than ever before. His behaviors are less because he realizes he can communicate and people can understand him more. Personally I have used many essential oils to help with the stresses and strains I feel. I have used 'Thieves' oil and 'Spruce' to help rebuild my immune system after cancer treatment. I am going to start using 'Helichrysum' as well because it is suppose to help reduce lymphatic edemas and improves the healing after surgery. After my dad's open heart surgery he started using 'Mister' to help deal with the post-traumatic stress he is feeling...he is constantly using it and has found it is helping him immensely. My mom has suffered from migraine for years and finds that if she feels a migraine coming on she uses 'Panaway' and she is able to avoid having to lay in bed in the dark for the day. I am a firm believer in the healing properties of essential oils and highly recommend Floyd and his team who are very encouraging and calming to work with. Floyd's knowledge of essential oils and their properties is amazing and his passion for helping people is next to none. He is able to set up a personal program to help each individual with their needs. Thank you Floyd for all of the help you have given us over the years, we are very grateful.
Thank you and your team for your help in the past years. My wife had health problems for about two yeas. She went from one doctor to another and no on really seemed to be able to diagnose. The laboratory tests showed abnormalities and doctors were not able to suggest a treatment other than antibiotic as they could not define her problems. My wife eventually received Floyd Brown’s contact. An appointment was scheduled, and I went with her to Red Deer. Floyd did her blood analysis and could immediately pinpoint her main issue: candida. Additionally, there was black mould in her system as well as parasites. Floyd suggested a treatment through controlled nutrition and holistic products. The positive result after approximately 3 months was noticeable and improved even further. Back then I took the blood analysis as well, even though I felt healthy and energetic, but I was curious, what he could see. Floyd’s assessment just confirmed that. However, he found black mold and parasites, which my body was eventually strong enough to deal with it. I followed Floyd’s suggestions and cleaned my system. As we paid already a lot of attention to our nutrition, I am impressed with Floyd’s knowledge. He definitely gave us some good advice in how to improve and fine tune on our day to day food intake. Thank you, Floyd and his team!
Many heartfelt thanks for Floyd for believing in and pursuing the path of alternative intervention toward improved health and wellness. His program recommendations have changed my life in such a way that, for the first time in life, I wake each day and look forward to living the day to it’s fullest. I now have energy both physically and mentally to invest in living a quality of life vs. feeling as though I’m simply existing. My health history includes living much of my life with depression. I’ve cycled through the medical community for over 20 years, to only walk away from each of what seemed to be hundreds of appointments, with a prescription for another antidepressant or a change in the dosage taken. Yes, psychologists and psychiatrists were also recommended, but had minimal positive impact when all was said and done. There have been some life circumstances occur the past 5 years that have contributed positively to my overall well being. With that said, there is no doubt in my mind that Floyd’s belief, knowledge, commitment and patience has also significantly enhanced my life in a way I wasn’t sure was possible. I am forever grateful to he and his team and highly recommend Floyd’s services to all who would like to enhance their physical and mental wellbeing! Many Thanks,
Thank you all for your kindness, understanding, and for all your hard work. Floyd, you blew me away with the way that you handled me and my situation, and took time to answer all my questions and fears. You gave me a lot of hope and helped Marley tremendously. Your staff was so kind and knowledgeable, and I will continue to refer people to you and believe in your practice and what you do. Marley has gone to a better place, but I know we did all we could for him, and for whatever reason, it was just his time. Thank you for believing in him and not giving up. He fought so hard, and I am forever grateful to you for helping him as best you could. I wish you well and continued successes. With great appreciation!
For approximately three years I have experienced nausea most of the time. I found there were certain foods made it worse both to smell and eat; these included broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, beef and gravy. Efforts were made from time to time to discover the cause through colonoscopy, endoscopy, ex-ray, blood samples, stool samples, and ultrasound. Nothing ever came of these. During the last year, I have used domperidone to keep food moving. Last September, I visited Floyd Brown who did a blood analysis. He said it was the worst he had ever seen. Present were acid, parasites, candida, red blood cells clotted together, and platelets clotted. I performed the liver cleanse and felt some relief and did it again in December. On January 8 th , 2012, I began preparation for a gall bladder cleanse. Jan 16 at 6 p.m. I began “the cleanse”. The next steps were at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. and one more at 6 a.m. January 17th . At 10:30 a.m. I experienced a bowel movement that passed about 40 or so stones and repeated at 3:30 p.m. the same amount. The nausea is almost completely gone, and I am eating normally again. It is my intention to repeat the cleanse in four weeks time. P.S. I strongly endorse Joy in Health and Nutrition Inc.
Thank you so much for helping me get healthy, its still a struggle but with God’s help I can get to where I need to be. Here is a thank you card from my wedding. I give it to you because you played a large part in me having the greatest day of my life, without your guidance I wouldn’t of been confident and proud of who I am and what I looked like and I was able to just enjoy my day without being self conscious and ashamed of who I was, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your help and I thank god for giving and blessing you with the talent and skills to make such a difference in peoples lives! I’m doing well. There have been some really tough times, but God has helped me conquer them and move on. The weight is still a struggle but nothing like before. Again, I just wanted to say thank you so much! God Bless
"A couple of years ago I was feeling sluggish, no energy, and the medical doctors were not offering any solutions. A friend sent me to see Joy in Health, I was skeptical at first, but kept an open mind. Within an hour of being there, Mr. Brown told me what my problem was, put me on a pretty easy regiment of natural products along with some simple cleansing steps. Within 60 days all my symptoms went away. I went back to my medical doctor and got a clean bill of health. I have stayed with Floyd and his services now for 2 years, and I have never felt better. "